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Scope of advice

The implementation of an efficient, comprehensive and safe compliance system does not necessarily mean a revolution in the company. By introducing small changes step by step, we can "oil" even a rusty organisation, thanks to which we will ensure compliance of the company's operations with the applicable regulations and minimize the risk of possible personal liability of the top management.
At Olesiński & Wspólnicy thanks to the combination of knowledge and experience in the field of compliance and other areas of law such as taxes, criminal law, environmental protection, labour law (including the comprehensive area of GDPR or Work Safety) we manage to create products best suited for your organization. Our advice covers such areas as

Whistleblowers - we comprehensively serve all areas related to whistleblowers, in particular:

  • we develop procedures for reporting irregularities and protecting whistleblowers from retaliatory actions,
  • In collaboration with the IT provider Deviniti, we have created a proprietary WhistBoard tool for anonymous whistleblowing,
  • We support and handle reports of irregularities and conduct investigations ourselves,
  • We support companies in preventing further infringements.

  • Outsourcing the compliance officer function - we take over some of the compliance tasks, so there is no need to create new jobs. Our activities in this area include

  • handling reports by whistleblowers,
  • monitoring legal changes in key areas of company activity,
  • ongoing advice on compliance (training / procedures / guidelines and assistance in their implementation / recommendations for action in crisis situations).

  • Compliance audit - the basis for building an effective compliance system is not only the introduction in the company of appropriate procedures and mechanisms tailored to the needs of the organisation, but also their constant updating and improvement. Most entities, especially those operating in capital groups, have implemented compliance solutions, which is why in this area we offer the following services:

  • analysis of procedures and solutions implemented in the company,
  • bringing the implemented solutions in line with the existing legal regulations,
  • recommendations as to what solutions should be implemented in the company in order to best protect their interests.

  • Internal procedures - we modify, adjust and improve the mechanisms and procedures implemented in the company, and create new policies that are adapted as closely as possible to the company, including the following

  • codes of ethics,
  • codes of conduct,
  • document circulation policies,
  • gifts policies,
  • anti-mobbing policies,
  • know your customer policies,
  • including contractual clauses aimed at preventing any abuse.

  • Early reaction system - we create mechanisms allowing for quick and effective identification of changes in the company's legal environment:

  • we identify key regulatory areas of the company's operations and the legal acts that make them up,
  • at intervals agreed with the client, we prepare statements of legal changes in key areas of the company's operations,
  • we analyse the impact of a change in regulations on the company's operations.

  • Liability map - we reduce the risk of unjustified personal liability and increase the safety of the entire organisation by:

  • mapping areas in the company's legal environment generating significant personal liability risks (at the level of management / individual departments),
  • audit of the current status of assigned responsibilities in the identified areas and identification of areas not yet assigned,
  • organisation and completion of the job descriptions for each post.

  • Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT):

  • we set up internal procedures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing,
  • we develop solutions to facilitate money laundering risk analysis and financial security measures.

  • CBOR - we support the process of identification of beneficial owners of companies and comprehensively assist in making an entry in the Central Beneficial Ownership Register.

    Compliance Management System (CMS) - we create comprehensive systems enabling monitoring and management of legal risk in companies and capital groups = in particular, we implement all the above areas in the organisation.

    Training - we conduct training sessions and workshops on personal responsibility of top management, legal and operational risks, application of financial security measures, introduction to the implementation of the compliance management function, crisis behaviour.

    Completed projects


    Responsible partner

    Leaders of specialisation


    Publikacja | Compliance

    We wrote about the WhistBoard tool on the Executive Magazine website

    Justyna Papież-Łogin


    Publikacja | Compliance

    We wrote about the WhistBoard tool on the Executive Magazine website

    Justyna Papież-Łogin
